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Values Change For Survival

Chief Oren Lyons is the Faithkeeper of the Onondaga, one of the Six Nations of the Iroquois  Confederacy (Haudenosaunee) in upstate New York. Chief Lyons is on the Executive Committee of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival.

In his videotaped report below to the United Nations, Chief Lyons said the Global Forum summarized their deliberations with four words: "Value(s) Change for Survival"-- unless we change our values, we won't survive. 


However, Chief Lyons and the Global Forum did not say which values humanity must now adopt to survive! Are there any roles models we can draw on now for inspiration? Are there any examples of enlightened cultures that have helped uplift humanity? There are three notable examples: the Olmecs, the mother civilization" of the Americas, the Moors in Spain from 711-1492AD, and ancient Egypt which sparked the European Renaissance and Protestant Reformation. They were all based on the ancient Egyptian Principles of Ma'at and Thoth!

The changes needed now are listed below. Additional steps are shown on the page UN Year of Reconciliation 2024.

Key Steps To Take Now


  1. Ubuntu Movement: Michael Tellinger, author of Ubuntu Contributionism, explained the concept of "Ubuntu"  in Season 3: Episodes 3 and 9. Ubuntu is an African concept based on cooperation rather than competition. Corey said that the Secret Space Program is very excited about this idea. It is discussed on this site on the page Ubuntu Movement which shows that the concept of Ubuntu is closely related to The Principles of Maat discussed below.

    The Way of Ma’at points out the connection between the Ubuntu and The Principles of Maat (Ma'at). It says:

    "Searching for the origins of the values and principles that uBuntu is known for one inevitably comes across the concept of Ma’at that forms part of our ancient Khemetic African Spirituality. Ma’at was seen as the personification of truth, balance, law, order, justice, integrity, reciprocity, uprightness and the highest conception of physical and moral law known to the Egyptians. All of these views about Ma’at are encapsulated in the principles of ‘Divine Truth,’ the ‘Unity of All Things’ and ‘Eternal Life.’

    When we appreciate uBuntu and Ma’at in the fullest sense we realize that the two concepts are interchangeable. With Afrikan religion being based upon the theosophy (Divine Wisdom) and the Hermetic philosophy of sciences/the Science of Thought of Khem or ancient Ethiopia, Ma’at is seen as the Ancient Ethiopian/Egyptian explanation, symbol, or representative of uBuntu
    ."  Also see Learning Ubuntu / Maat Principles.


  2. End of 500+ Years of Colonialism: This includes ending the celebration of Columbus Day, adoption of the more accurate World Map, and recognition that the Greeks were not the founders of Western civilization. Dr. Martin Bernal, author of Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization (The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985), explains the the Greeks admitted that they learned EVERYTHING they knew fromthe Egyptians. Dr. Bernal says that attributing the knowledge to the Greeks was introduced in the 1800s to justify enslaving Africans.


  3. Enlightenment As a Goal: Western civilization is the only major civilization in history that has not understood that Enlightenment is the goal of life! In this way, we have been robbed of an understanding of the purpose of our existence! We have been kept in the Dark Ages! We must learn about the Chakras, the importance of the Pineal Gland and Melanin


  4. Ancient Egyptian Principles: A growing number of scholars recommend that we adopt the Egyptian Principles of Maat that made Egypt so enlightened and so stable for thousands of years. The Goddess of Maat was very close to Ra, the Egyptian Sun God who was often depicted as a Blue Avian. The 7 Principles of Thoth are also very valuable guides. These enduring spiritual, social, ecological, and personal principles provide a guide to enlightenment and an understanding of the nature of reality that is missing in the West!

    David Wilcock pointed out in Season 3: Episode 7 that The Law of One (which was channeled by Ra) says the Sphere Being Alliance cannot transition from 6th-7th density until every person on Earth has transitioned to 4th density. That Is because of the mistake they made in building the pyramids as a tool for ascension which was co-opted by the elite and turned into a religion by the Illuminati.

    So, we need to restore that ancient wisdom of Egypt now. Ra was the
    Sun God of Egypt -- often depicted as a Blue Bird. He was closely associated with the Ma'at -- the Goddess of Truth and Justice who represents truth, justice, harmony, and balance.

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