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In Session 1: Episode 10, David Wilcock and Corey Goode discussed the importance of the Pineal Gland which is the source of neuro-melanin. Egyptian pharoahs wore two snakes on their crowns to show that they were enlightened. The snakes represented the energy that rises through the spine and ignites in the Pineal Gland. "Melaninated people" are people who have melanin in the skin -- giving them various shades of color. However, everyone has some degree of neuromelanin.
The concept of the two "snakes" of energy rising through the spine to the crown chakra is depicted in the caduceus, the symbol of Western medicine. However, its vital significance for consciousness is never explained!
Amazon says about the book Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.,
"Within each of us lies the potential to activate a personal connection to the superconscious. Called “Ureaus” in ancient Egyptian texts and “Kundalini” in ancient Hindu yoga traditions, our innate serpent power of spiritual transcendence inhabits the base of the spine in its dormant state. When awakened, it unfurls along the spinal column to the brain, connecting individual consciousness to the consciousness of the universe enfolded within the dark matter of space. At the root of creativity and spiritual genius across innumerable cultures and civilizations, this intelligent force reveals portals that enfold time, space, and the luminous matrix of reality itself.
Combining physics, neuroscience, and biochemistry with ancient traditions from Africa and India, Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., explores the ancient Egyptian science of the Ureaus and reveals how it is intimately connected to dark matter and to melanin, a light-sensitive, energy-conducting substance found in the brain, nervous system, and organs of all higher life-forms. He explains how the dark light of melanin serves as the biochemical infrastructure for the subtle energy body, just as dark matter, together with gravity, holds the galaxies and constellations together."

Full Disclosure Project
Cosmic Disclosure show viewers are already getting Full Disclosure! The show tells us that one of the most important things we can do now to help raise consciousness before the Solar Flash which is expected between 2028-2029 is to demand Full Disclosure for the public. Full Disclosure will include not only the release of information about UFOs ant ETs that has been hidden for decades, but also the release of advanced healing technologies and other technologies (like Free Energy and Anti-Gravity) that will quickly benefit all of humanity and the Earth.
In Season 12, Episode 8, Jason Rice and Jay Weidner (head of Gaia) discussed Full Disclosure. Both Jason and Jay are very hopeful that these technologies will come out because they see the exponential changes now as people are waking up as they see the lies. When enough people wake up, we can demand Full Disclosure and we will see a lot of change. Jason said that if the Cabal releases the technologies they have, Earth will have a Renaissance. People won’t have to work at jobs they hate because there will be no power bills to pay. Every house will have a shoe-box sized power generator that doesn’t require fossil fuels.
Education will be similar to the “chair beds” used in the Space Program where you just get a “download” of information. You could sit in a chair and learn anything you wanted to in an hour. You could get on a transportation craft and go anywhere in the Solar System or the galaxy. You could go work on the other side of the Milky Way. Reconciliation will be necessary because of all the crimes the Cabal has committed.
In the January 21, 2018 update on David Wilcock's Cosmic Disclosure site, Corey Goode said, "We have just launched the new Full Disclosure Project website and have 18 presentations available to the public to view for free". Encourage family and friends to check out that site and to subscribe to the Cosmic Disclosure show! Let them know that this site makes it easy to get up-to-speed quickly!