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In Session 1: Episode 10, David Wilcock and Corey Goode discussed the importance of the Pineal Gland which is the source of neuro-melanin. Egyptian pharoahs wore two snakes on their crowns to show that they were enlightened. The snakes represented the energy that rises through the spine and ignites in the Pineal Gland. "Melaninated people" are people who have melanin in the skin -- giving them various shades of color. However, everyone has some degree of neuromelanin.
The concept of the two "snakes" of energy rising through the spine to the crown chakra is depicted in the caduceus, the symbol of Western medicine. However, its vital significance for consciousness is never explained!
Amazon says about the book Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.,
"Within each of us lies the potential to activate a personal connection to the superconscious. Called “Ureaus” in ancient Egyptian texts and “Kundalini” in ancient Hindu yoga traditions, our innate serpent power of spiritual transcendence inhabits the base of the spine in its dormant state. When awakened, it unfurls along the spinal column to the brain, connecting individual consciousness to the consciousness of the universe enfolded within the dark matter of space. At the root of creativity and spiritual genius across innumerable cultures and civilizations, this intelligent force reveals portals that enfold time, space, and the luminous matrix of reality itself.
Combining physics, neuroscience, and biochemistry with ancient traditions from Africa and India, Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., explores the ancient Egyptian science of the Ureaus and reveals how it is intimately connected to dark matter and to melanin, a light-sensitive, energy-conducting substance found in the brain, nervous system, and organs of all higher life-forms. He explains how the dark light of melanin serves as the biochemical infrastructure for the subtle energy body, just as dark matter, together with gravity, holds the galaxies and constellations together."

Hermetica: Lost Wisdom of the Pharoahs
David Wilcock pointed out in Season 3: Episode 7 that The Law of One says the Sphere Being Alliance cannot transition from 6th-7th density until every person on Earth has transitioned to 4th density. That Is because they made a mistake in giving the ancient Egyptians information that was later co-opted by the elite and turned into a religion by the Illuminati.
So, we need to restore that ancient wisdom of Egypt now. Thoth is the Egyptian god who introduced writing, geometry, medicine, and religion to Egypt in time immemorial. He is also considered the architect of the pyramids. Thoth is usually shown with the head of an Ibis. He was the partner of the Ma'at, Goddess of Truth. They both participate in the weighing of a person's heart after death to determine the person's fate.
The Greeks called Thoth "Hermes Tresmigistus" meaning "Hermes Three Times Great". When they studied at the legendary Library of Alexandria in Egypt, they compiled Thoth's wisdom in a book called The Hermetica,
The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs is a book by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
which shows that it would be hard to overstate the impact of Egyptian culture on Europe throughout its history and on the world. In the inspiring video below, Peter reads from the book's Introduction.
Peter sites the quote: "A nation without a history is like a man without a memory". He points out: "The correct memory of who we are, where we've come from is essential to understanding who we are right now, and where we are going. We live in a culture that has been so balderized by the Christian takeover which has endured for a couple thousand years and has given us a completely mistaken identity of who we are. Our memory is wrong. Your memory is your identity. Without a correct memory, we don't know who we are or where we're going. So, for me, history is a sacred science. Also, it is about giving credit where credit due".
Peter explains that when the "Classics" were established as the curriculum of the British Empire, they could not admit their debt to the people they were conquering and falsified history.
See an excerpt from the book further below. Click the graphics below to watch the video.

The Hermetica Sparked the Renaissance
Gandy says when the works of Hermes were discovered in the 1500's, they were brought to Florence, Italy. He says:
"The emergence of a glorious new culture signaled the end of the Dark Ages. We call this period the "Renaissance" meaning 'rebirth' which is a fitting name, for at the heart of the Hermetic philosophy is the idea of being spiritually reborn....Students of the 'New Learning', as the Florentine experiment became known, were sent out as emissaries, beginning new movements wherever they went.
Reuchlin, 'the father of the Reformation' and teacher of Luther and Erasmus, left Florence and sowed the earliest seeds of the Protestant Reformation in Germany. Thomas Linacre founded the Royal College of Physicians in London....As in Alexandria a thousand years earlier, the Renaissance viewed science, art, literature, and religion as parts of a united whole to be studied together....
It was a situation that challenged the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church and in 1492, with the aid of the King of France, they crushed the Republic of Florence. Although the heady days of the New Academy were over, the suppression was too late to prevent the ripples of its influence expanding ever outwards....Within less than 200 years, the Renaissance had conquered Europe...
Evangelists of the new 'Egyptian' religion of Thrice-Great Hermes, such as Giordano Bruno, travelled extensively in Europe....He believed that the Egyptian religion of Hermes was the ancestor of the Greek Mystery Schools, the religion of Moses and the Jews, and the birthplace of Christianity. In Bruno's imagination, it was now poised to become the unifying religion in which Jews, all denominations of Christians, Platonic humanists, and even Muslims could meet and resolve their differences.
Bruno's courage and conviction was nowhere more clearly demonstrated than in his decision to return to Italy, where within a short time, he was arrested by the Roman Catholic Church. He endured eight years of torture during which he refused to recant, and in 1600 was led out into the 'Square of Flowers' in Rome and ceremonially burnt alive."

Giordano Bruno: Hermetic Scholar / Church Martyr
Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) was an Dominican Friar, Gnostic Saint, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and cosmological theorist. Bruno is one of the great figures of early modern Europe. Ingrid Rowland’s Giordano Bruno: Philosopher/Heretic establishes him all as a peer of Erasmus, Shakespeare, and Galileo — a thinker whose vision of the world prefigures ours. Frances Yates argues in Giordano Bruno And The Hermetic Tradition that Bruno was deeply influenced by Arab astrology, Neoplatonists, Renaissance Hermeticism, and the legends surrounding the Egyptian god Thoth.
Bruno's murder by the Catholic Church was part of the brutal Inquisition which was directed at the suppression of the resurgence the empowering Egyptian wisdom. Bruno's case is considered a landmark in the history of free thought and the emerging sciences. A statue of Bruno now stands, facing the Vatican, in the Campo di Fiori where the Church burned him alive! The Church canonized Bruno's Inquisitor in the 1930s!
The video on the right below The Hermetic Warriors - Giordano Bruno: Part 1 says that Bruno, a towering genius, was the foremost Hermetic philosopher of his day -- as important as Copernicus and Newton and was hugely influential to Galileo. Bruno's influence over the scientific revolution has been scandalously downplayed. He applied Hermetic principles to social, political, and religious systems.
Bruno's ideas threatened to undermine the Catholic Church. He was almost erased from history, but has been re-discovered in recent times. Bruno believed that the Hermetic philosophy and cosmology unlocked the secrets of nature and the cosmos. His work on cosmology inspired enormous scientific advances. Even the basic principles of computer science and information theory, including the binary system, can be traced to his application of Hermetic principles.
Click the graphic on the left below for a 4-minute video. Click the image on the right to watch a 13-minute video.