National Day of Transformation
​Washington State
Glen and Carolyn Schmekel established a Reconciliation Group with the Methow peoples in their home in Washington state in 1999. The group later moved to a larger facility as it grew to include the mayor and more people from the town of Twisp and more Indians.
In 2003, the first annual "Heart of the Methow Powwow" was held by the Town of Twisp as a formal Reconciliation Process. After the powwow, 300 acres of land were ceded by farmers and ranchers to allow the Methow to gather their sacred medicines and foods, and the school curriculum was changed to include Methow culture. In addition, 2.5 acres were donated to establish the Methow Valley Interpretive Center to provide a permanent place to honor the Methow people. The center opened in 2012. The Reconciliation Group meets 4-5 times a year and hosts the annual powwow which is widely known now.
This Reconciliation Process continues to grow. It offers the possibility of expanding and deepening in many ways that make it a role model.

This extraordinary reconciliation process is documented in the Two Rivers DVD.​ The Schmekels invited Native American healer Spencer Martin to lead the Reconciliation process. See the interview with Martin in the Moon magazine article Spencer Martin: In this universe, all things are connected.