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(American Conservation Team (ACT 

Ethnobotanist Mark Plotkin founded the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT)
to help the tribes of Brazil mark and defend their territories through the use of Google Maps! ACT has been successful in empowering several Brazilian tribes.


ACT has now partnered with the Colombian government to develop innovative strategies to protect 14 uncontacted tribes and their vast rainforests . Because national policy declares these isolated tribes have the right to their territories —  a policy established with the assistance of ACT—the race is on to protect their lands against encroaching environmental degradation.

ACT’s work is featured the April 2013 Harvard Magazine and as the March 2013 cover story of Smithsonian Magazine. Coverage in the 2 prestigious publications is a powerful validation of the effectiveness of ACT.

ACT needs $1.4 million to map and protect these vast rainforests. Conservation activities include equipping park guards and helping the tribes make detailed
bio-cultural maps that will allow them to monitor and protect their lands. The
ACT website facilitates one-time and recurring donations. ACT uses 83% of donations to support its innovative and effective programs.


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