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Tarahumara: Ultra Marathoners

The 2011 book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall documents the life of the Tarahumara (the Running People) who live in the Sierra Madre of Mexico and run the mountains for miles into their 80s and even 90s wearing sandals or barefoot!

McDougall tracked down Micah True (aka “Caballo Blanco”), an American who lived with the Tarahumara and organized the arduous long-distance race now called “Caballo Blanco Ultra-Marathon” in his honor which is run each spring with the Tarahumara who are
are arguably the greatest long-distance runners in the world.      A peaceful people, they fled to the mountains 500 years ago to escape the Spanish.

The two videos below discusses the super-human prowess of the Tarahumara (aka "Raramuri"). See the information below about the Aztec super food they use.

Chia: Aztec Super Food

The Tarahumara keeptheir stamina with “Chia Fresca” – a drink made from the Chia Seeds, an Aztec superfood. Chia has 15 x more magnesium than broccoli, 9 x more phosphorus than whole milk, 8 x more omega than wild salmon, 6 x more calcium than milk, 6 x more protein than kidney beans, 4 x more selenium than flax seed, 3 x more iron than spinach, 2x more potassium than bananas, 2 x more fiber than bran flakes, and more antioxidants than blueberries!

Chia Seeds are a complete whole raw food loaded with Omega 3 essential fatty acids (with a perfect omega 6: omega 3 ratio), fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and proteins. They are a gluten-free, sugar-free, trans fat-free, anti-inflammatory vegan food source. They help protect against heart disease, aging, osteoporosis, and Type ll diabetes. Chia Seeds promote weight loss; and maintain healthy blood pressure, gastro-intestinal health, and mental health.


Caballo Blanco, an American ultra marathon runner, created the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon to help the Tarahumara preserve their culture and tradition of long distance running. His goal was to help them  also cope with problems like environmental damage, loss of native lands, and the drug war. Caballo Blanco died in March of 2012, but the Ultra Marathon continues, now as the Caballo Blanco Ultra Marathon.

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