National Day of Transformation
The Miracle of Hemp
Hemp would allow us to restore our environment and health while also enriching the country and maintaining peace! It is part of creating an holistic, sustainable lifestyle and economy. The articles and videos below explain some of the marvels of industrial and medical hemp (aka "marijuana) -- a trillion-dollar crop. Hemp can even restore Fukushima which is polluting the Pacific and the world. It can end the oil wars, and end the growing pollution of the world's oceans by plastic.
Canadian Rick Simpson discovered that the oil from the buds of the hemp plant is a panacea. He used it to cure 5,000 people at no charge -- including terminal cases of cancer. Since Canada bans medical hemp, Rick moved to Europe and is looking for a Pacific island or South America country where he can grow medical hemp, standardize the quality, and heal people. The country he chooses will become very wealthy as a mecca for medical tourists around the world!
See Rick's article and videos below. His site is:
Hemp Can Save America and the World!​​​​
The Power of Hemp and Its Countless Uses
Run From the Cure
12 Things You May Not Know About Cannabis​​
How Hemp Oil Cures Cancer And Why No One Knows​
​Hemp Revolution 2013​​​
Run From the Cure
The Power of Hemp and Its Countless Uses
The Cannabis Cancer Cure with Rick Simpson​
Legalize Hemp T-Shirts!
Zazzle offers "Legalize Hemp" T-Shirts for men and women in various colors and styles and can be customized with additions on the back.
Help educate the world on one of the easiest, fastest, and best ways to save Planet Earth!
The video below shows that in 2000, the Oglala Sioux grew industrial hemp to build homes and to provide a viable economic base for their reservation.​ However 25 armed federals came onto their sovereign lands and twice destroyed the crops although the federal government had asked the Sioux 60 years earlier to grow hemp for the war effort in WWII! Poet, musician, activist John Trudell is a big supporter of hemp!
The video below shows that the Tuscarora, one of the six nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, are "The People of the Hemp" and hold hemp sacred for its many uses.