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Grow / Save Food 4 Easy Ways

This site can help you get started growing food in the following easy, fast ways:


  1. SPROUTS: Whether you have land or not, growing sprouts indoors is an economical way to provide nutritious and delicious food all year. That option is especially important in times of environmental, financial, and/or societal crises. Start now with one more more of the sprouters and various kinds of seeds shown in the Sprouts sections of this site. Save money while you enhance your health and enrich your meals.

    In Reinventing Our Food System, Dr. Joseph Mercola says, "I cannot encourage you strongly enough to take control of the food that you're eating. A great way to get started on your own is by sprouting. They may be small, but sprouts are packed with nutrition and best of all, they're easy and inexpensive to grow." In Sprouts, John Kohler of Growing Your Greens interviews 74-year-old Annette Larkins who looks 40. Annette calls her sprouts and garden her Fountain of Youth!


  2. AEROGARDEN: The AeroGarden section shows how to expand your easy indoor growing options exponentially. Grow cherry tomatoes, lettuces, herbs, and seeds of your own choice without soil or sun. The AeroGarden tells you when to add water and nutrients and takes care of the lights. One seed pod can provide you with enough lettuce for a salad every day for 6 months! You don't need a green thumb to reap this bounteous harvest!


  3. GARDEN TOWER: The AeroGarden section demonstrates how the Garden Tower allows you grow outdoors even if you have little or no land. A balcony, porch, or patio works fine.


  4. URBAN GARDENS: The Growing Home section includes videos with Rishi Kumar, founder of The Growing Home. Rishi studied permaculture at the Navdanya Farm of Dr. Vandana Shiva in India.

    Dr. Shiva says, "Urban gardens are the greatest revolution today!" They help people and cities conserve water, reconnect with the Earth, remember the connection between food and health, and understand the importance of saving and sharing organic seeds and the role of biodiversity in our survival. Urban gardens promote a sense of community not just with other people, but with the Web of Life. Urban gardeners understand the importance of the health of the soil, earthworms, and butterfies. They help make cities more food secure and sustainable. 

    Rishi gives a video tour of his 5,000 sq. ft. garden in his suburban home which produces 1,500 pounds of food each year. Rishi's urgan garden is featured in the film Urban Fruit. Rishi also founded and The Growing Club which provides lots of informative videos and gardening tips of many kinds.

    In The Growing Home section, John Kohnler of Growing Your Greens gives video tours of his home garden in the fall and summer. He also takes you on a tour of the garden of Dr. Rick Dina. John explains the 12 reasons he grows food in the yard of his suburban home John's site provides a wide variety of videos on other topics of interest for gardeners. 

FreshPaper: Save Food 2-4 Times Longer

The AeroGarden section of this site shows that FreshPaper can allow you to keep your food fresh for up to 3 weeks! FreshPaper is infused with organic spices that make it naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is revolutionizing food storage and freshness in 35 countries and recently launched in grocery stores in the US. FreshPaper has been featured by The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, The Today Show, Real Simple, Oprah, Mother Nature Network, and Forbes since its launch in 2011. FreshPaper was awarded the biennial INDEX: Design to Improve Life Award, the world's largest prize in design -- previously awarded to Tesla Motors and Apple!

FreshPaper is sold on the Fenugreen site which provides a 10% discount and free shipping just for signing up. That 10% discount becomes available via email after the first order. A trial pack of 8 sheets costs $9.99 and 80 sheets are $42.99. FreshPaper is disposable, recyclable, biodegradable, and compostable and 8 sheets are 1-2 month's supply. Once in use, FreshPaper sheet lasts for about 1 month. One FreshPaper sheet lasts for up to three weeks and can be recycled by placing it on the compost heap. Unused sheets in packaging can be stored for up to 2 years.

Site created by Neenah Payne with

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