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Food Sovereignty Principles and Chart        [Click chart to display page]

The Food Soveregnty article includes the chart below which shows, like the Global Issues and Solutions Map, how central food is to a web of key global issues. Notice that Self-Reliance (one of Gandhi's principles) and Home Gardens are in the Home circle and Community Gardens are included in the Local Community circle.

What is Food Sovereignty?

Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally-appropriate food produced through ecologically-sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems, as defined in the Declaration of Nyeleni in 2007. It is a solutions-focused framework that defines core principles for which a sustainable, life-supporting food system would be based on. Food Sovereignty has emerged from international peasant movements under the banner of La Via Campesina in the Global South.



The article lists the 6 principles of Food Sovereignty:

  1. Focuses on Food for People

  2. Values Food Providers

  3. Localizes Food Systems

  4. Makes Decisions Locally

  5. Builds Knowledge and Skills

  6. Works with Nature

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